Archan Misra

Archan Misra

Vice Provost, Singapore Management University, Singapore

Archan Misra is Vice Provost (Research) and Professor of Computer Science at Singapore Management University (SMU). Over the past decade at SMU, Archan has established or provided leadership to multiple research centers, with over US $45M in research funding, working at the intersection of academic and translational research. Through these centers, Archan has deployed a variety of IoT and analytics-driven applications, in partnership with multiple government agencies and private enterprises, impacting domains such as municipal operations, lifestyle & wellness and retail & hospitality. Over a 20+ year research career spanning both academics and industry (at IBM Research and Bellcore), Archan has worked, and published extensively, on technologies spanning wireless networks, mobile & wearable systems and smart city analytics. At SMU, Archan is responsible for defining and executing the university’s overall research strategy, with an emphasis on inter-disciplinary research at the confluence of social sciences, management and computing. Archan holds a Ph.D. from the University of Maryland at College Park, and chaired the IEEE Computer Society’s Technical Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC) from 2005-2007.

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