Portrait photo of Gonzalo Garland

Gonzalo Garland

Executive Vice President of IE Foundation, IE University, Spain

Professor Garland was born in Lima, Peru, where he took his degree in Economics at the Universidad del Pacífico, subsequently teaching there. In 1984, he earned his Master’s degree in Economics from Stanford University, and in 1989, he began his doctoral studies at the University of Pennsylvania, where he was a research assistant to Lawrence Klein and Albert Ando. In 1994, he moved to Spain and joined IE, teaching and running the Economic Environment course.

He is currently the Executive Vice President of the IE Foundation, a position he holds in parallel with that of Vice President of Global and Strategic Agreements at IE University. He is also a member of the Steering Committee at IE University. Prior to this, he was Director of IE’s External Relations Department and Director of the Department of International Relations. He currently combines his management responsibilities with teaching courses on Managerial Economics, Country Economic Analysis and Economic Development.

His interests include emerging countries, financial crises and the effects of aging populations.

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